The writers’ retreat returns!
Stonecreek Haven Writers’ Retreat, Vol. 5, returns from the evening of July 26— morning of July 28, 2024 in a new location. All writers are invited. Registration and more information to follow in the spring. For now, put the dates in your calendar!
For a taste of what last year’s retreat was all about, see the details below the photos!
1. Who: writers of children's and teen books, writers of books about children and teen books, and just plain writers of any kind!
2. What: writing, talking, eating, drinking, more writing, more talking, more eating, more drinking, a little sleep, time outside, time inside, music, inspiration from each other, critiquing, readings -- whatever it morphs into. Michelle Houts, will be our keynoter this year! Jody Casella was our fearless keynoter for Pinewood Ravine Writer's Retreat, Volume 1. And Natalie Richards was keynoter for PRWR, Volume 2, and Edie Pattou keynoted last year for us.
3. When: Friday, July 29th 5:00ish through Sunday, July 31st 12:00 noonish. That being said, come when you can, and leave when you need to. And popping in and out is just fine.
4. Why: because writing is an activity that is critical, joyous, maddening, time consuming, sometimes isolating, and definitely worth sharing. So here is time, and support.
5. Where: my log house in the woods at 5570 1/2 US Highway 42, Mt. Gilead, 43338. My cell number is 614-579-7684. Your GPS may not pull up this address, so leave the 1/2 off and it will route you to my neighbor. You'll see my mailbox down the hill from their address. I'll try to remember to put balloons on the mailbox. You won't see the house from the road, just follow the stone drive back to my house.
6. How to make the weekend work:
a. I have a spare queen bed, 2 couches, and 3 recliners, but you might want to bring an air mattress, pillow, blanket, sheets.
b. Food to share: one breakfast item, one lunch item, one dinner item, and one drink. I have all we need for dishes, etc.
c. I have 2 bathrooms with showers, and plenty of towels, so just bring any toiletries and clothes you'll need.
d. Whatever writing implements you need, books to read, earbuds, chargers, etc.
e. Your creative brains, fellowship, and be ready to embrace the house, outdoors, and our time together.
f. Bring books you'd like autographed by our visiting authors (see below).
Friday 7/23 5:00ish: gather, talk, eat, drink
7:00ish: Michelle Houts will be our Keynote speaker. If you're not familiar with our Michelle and her work, check out her website
Evening: music and/or bonfire and/or storytelling, etc.
Saturday 7/24: Morning: Picture book author/ marketing expert Debbie Gonzales will share her expertise and answer any questions you may have. Here's Debbie's website.
Afternoon: YA author Joel Shoemaker will share his writing and publishing journey. Check out his book. He finished it last year during the Writer's Retreat!
Throughout the day time to write, share with each other, get feedback, and more eating
Evening: music and/or bonfire and/or storytelling, etc.
Sunday 7/25: Morning: Talk by multiple-award winning Candace Fleming
More time for writing and sharing, and adieus until next year, July 28-30, 2023!